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Members: Members_Page

Join Global Council of Innovation and Industry (GCII)’s membership to stay ahead.


GCII is a non-government, not-for-profit, innovation and industry-led and managed organization, playing a proactive role in development process. 


GCII membership is open to Any Company or Firm or Individual engaged in business, manufacturing activity or providing services, or any organisation. Companies from the same group are to take up membership separately, since there is no group membership.


Liaison Offices of Corporates operating with the approval of the Central Bank of the Country, without any Sales Turnover in that country, are eligible for the "Associate Membership".


GCII set to usher in industry-wide collaboration, cooperation, and consensus to chart social and economic development. A Member of GCII-


  • GCII activities, events and initiatives

  • Broad industry trends and related data

  • Government notifications and policies


  • The depth and range of GCII's various services

  • GCII's views on key policy issues

  • Membership benefits and advantages


  • Your industry-specific issues of concern

  • Changes in your contact details

  • Suggestions, ideas and inputs

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