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Reasons to become a member of Global Council of Innovation and Industry (GCII)


GCII inevitably influences evolution, across our network, by connecting your business locally, nationally and internationally, with other businesses, with decision-makers, with innovators and with opportunities. We help business organisations of all sizes to achieve more. We believe TOGETHER WE CAN. It’s our relationships with others that lead us to achieve goals beyond those we could ever achieve alone. We help businesses across the globe to build relationships on every level, helping businesses of every size and sector to thrive. We are also a respected voice for business.

We help businesses to connect, innovate, succeed and grow.


Join the Global Council of Innovation and Industry!

As a member of the GCII you are benefitted as below-

Reasons to become Member


  • Get in touch with Members globally to discuss trends in the market, upcoming business initiatives and interact with peers. 

  • A platform for business and professional organisations alike for B2B opportunities with users from various sectors of the industry.

  • Access to an online platform where business owners and entrepreneurs from around the globe can connect and explore mutual opportunities. 

  • Platform to interact with Institutions, Governments Representatives / Officials and political leaders.

  • Networking opportunities with Indian and global corporate majors

  • latform to enhance business and develop newer markets


  • Global Growth Conventions

  • GCII Business Awards

  • Global Annual Conference

  • International Trade Summit

  • INNOV8

  • You will be entitled to attend GCII Events to be held across leading Cities of the Globe affording you opportunities to network with other Members and local leaders / officials.


  • Participate in topical seminars, training programmes, conferences and meetings

  • GCII enables industries to derive value by getting access to Learning & Development programs.

  • One free training session on Digital Marketing

  • Complimentary access to Global learning seminars and events

  • Free as well as highly subsidised access to certificate courses

  • Sectoral Reports/Research Papers

  • State of Economy - weekly and monthly

  • Proceedings of Business Conferences/ Events

  • Sectoral Vision Documents


  • GCII helps Members to keep updated with the latest developments across the globe especially the small businesses.

  • Government Notifications

  • Policy Tracker

  • Investment Tracker

  • Schemes for Small Businesses

  • Access to publications and reports on a wide range of subjects

  • Opportunities, Quality, WTO Monthly Economic Report, Finance & Taxation, Business Focus


  • Peer Group Networking

  • Advisory Services

  • Discussion Boards

  • Communities

  • Fellowship meets

  • sectoral and functional communities for one to one network as well as to seek advice and guidance from experts.


  • pricing, special promotions and benefits with a wide network of partner companies and brands. 

  • Access to the best rates and premiums for Life, Car, Accidental and Medical insurance with our partners.

  • A GCII co-branded credit card will be issued to members only. The card comes with all the usual benefits and tie-ups with airport lounges etc. Usage of the card will also accumulate GCII points. This is subject to Bank’s approval.

  • Hotels- 20% discount on services with affiliates.Hospitals- 20% discount on services with affiliates.

  • Website: A free website for the member’s business.

  •  (4 Pages, 4 menu buttons, content (including images) to be provided by the member.  A domain name, server space to be paid on actuals.)


  • Outreach cell - Expand your business in different countries with the help of GCII outreach cells. They will help you with local offices, connects and 

  • Access to franchise cell

  • Access to innovations

  • Access to new business ideas

  • Access to best of advices/ support/ guidance


II serves as the voice of industry, linking governments to businesses, and supporting long-term commercial partnerships that will nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship, create jobs, successfully contribute to the global economy and create opportunities to improve visibility and to build a network for its members.

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