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Membership Fee

We drive change from the ground up – and our bottom line is helping business and professional organisations, innovations, places and people achieve their potential.
Want to be a part of it?

Membership Fee

Memberships offered (in INR)
                                                                                      Without       With 
                                                                                      Privileges     Privileges 
   Individual                                                                   15000            40000
   Sole-proprietorship/ Partnership/ AOP                 25000            50000    
   Corporates- Pvt Ltd/ Ltd                                         35000            60000
   Associate Members
        - Liason Offices (approved)                                        35000            60000
   Affiliated Associations                                              25000            50000
   Institutional Members                                               25000            50000
   Other Organisation Members                                  25000            50000

You can avail a Special discount of 50% on membership fee between 1st May 2022 and 31st Dec, 2022.

Other Organisation Members
Organisations other than the above, dealing with any other activities are eligible. They shall have no power to occupy a seat on the National/ Regional/ State Councils and shall not have the right to vote.
Institutional Members
National or Regional Professional Institutes/ Organisations/ Boards of industry interests dealing with collection and dissemination of information, research & development, technical upgradation processes, exploration of new resources, etc. as distinct from industry Associations/ Councils/ Organisations are eligible. They shall have no power to occupy a seat on the National/ Regional/ State Councils and shall not have the right to vote.
Affiliated Associations
National or Regional Associations/ Councils/ Organisations of industry interests are eligible. Affiliation to GCII of such bodies would not affect the autonomy or independence of the affiliated body, which would retain the complete right to decide and to pursue its own line of action. Such affiliated bodies shall not have the right to vote. While National Affiliated Associations shall stand for elections to the National Council, they shall not have the right to vote. Regional Affiliated Associations shall neither have power to occupy a seat on the National/ Regional/ State Councils not have the right to vote.
Associate Members
Representative offices of foreign companies operating Liaison Offices of Corporates operating with the approval of the Central Bank of the Country, without any Sales Turnover in that country, are eligible. The Associate Membership would be converted into Member category as and when Liaison Office status changes to a full-fledged company with the commencement of commercial production/ services generating sales turnover. They shall have no power to occupy a seat on the National/ Regional/ State Councils and shall not have the right to vote.
Any Company or Firm or Individuals engaged in manufacturing activity or present in the services sector or any other type of organisation are eligible. This category of Members shall stand for annual elections to the National/ Regional/ State Councils and have the right to vote.
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