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Access to a world of opportunities

Global Council of Innovation and Industry (GCII)I presents to you access to a world of opportunities, from networking with the corporate majors of global industry to assist in framing economic and industrial policies, through close linkage with the Governments. GCII's proactive approach focuses on helping you to increase efficiency and competitiveness.



  • Platform to interact with other Members, Institutions, State & Central Governments

  • Fora to meet global business and political leaders

  • Participate in topical seminars, training programmes, conferences and meetings

  • Networking opportunities across the globe.

  • Platform to enhance business and develop newer markets

Enhancing Competitiveness
of Business 

GCII delivers a customized portfolio of training programmes as well as consultative and advisory services to help member companies build internal competitiveness, enhance capacity and sharpen competencies through 9 Centres of Excellence, Technology Development and Skill Development Centres. Working in tandem with Government, Industry and organizations, GCII takes forward a robust agenda to catalyse excellence, innovation, employability and productivity across sectors.

Social Sector Activities

  • Community development

  • Population

  • Health

  • Literacy

  • HRD

  • Consumer affairs

  • Rural development

  • Education

your involvement is needed to make that crucial difference.

Propels Expansion of Your Business, Network and Knowledge.

The Global Council of Innovation & Industry (GCII) is dedicated to providing members, from educational outreach to networking and contracting opportunities, delivers the social, intellectual, business and political capital to make this world a better place to live, work and play. It provides-


  • Critical mass - The GCII cross-sector, cross-border business voice has the critical mass to bring about change more so than any single company or sector association operating alone.

  • Leverage - cooperation on these issues that is built even across competitors strengthens a company's internal capability to address government policy - drawing from GCII's policy expertise and combining own experiences and resources with those of other companies.

  • Visibility to build interest in your company and to create new business opportunities.

  • Networking to advance your business, gain insights on industry trends and learn more about doing business. 

  • Advocacy to ensure you work in a business-friendly environment with laws and policies that are in the best interests of our members.

  • Business Growth & Development initiatives to help your bottom line and increase your opportunities for growth.

  • Learnings empower you with high-quality education, valuable tools, accredited resources to promote success.

  • Business incubator and Innovation & Accelerator Consultancy provides Mentors, Angel funders & Venture capitalists and Founders of startup ventures and helps cultivate a learning mindset and prepare the founders be it individual members or corporates or organisations, to manage that growth—and to learn new ways of operating and behaving.

GCII allows its members to:

  • Access GCII’s invaluable tools, strategies and programming to help your business develop and thrive.

  • Benefit from GCII’s advocacy. GCII tackles regulatory reform on your behalf to positively impact your business’s growth and sustainability. Leverage the influential relationships of GCII with government leaders to assist you.

  • Meet members of the influential business community, Government and Society. GCII supports current business community while attracting new businesses, helping you develop a network of trusted and beneficial peers.

  • Awareness initiative of GCII makes available the current industry innovations worldwide, backward and forward integration with innovations, join the missing dots between innovations and industries including documentation, legal and tax procedures. 

Core values

GCII firmly believes it's time to reimagine to work towards experience enough to harness and leverage the power of technology to better the lives of common citizens. It's time to bridge the gap between social and economic development. It's time that innovation and industry moves hand in hand globally to impact profits through-

  • connect knowledge to organisation procedures

  • communicate better, 

  • organisational procedures.


The common factor in all its activities is ‘bringing together and growing together’ across a cross-section of organizations, including government, non-governmental organizations and international bodies. GCII will be at the core to provide services to its members as well as society at large.


Our primary vision is to bring together innovation and industry to make the lives

 of people better.

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